The fourth biggest city in North America, with a population of almost three million people has ground to a halt for the foreseeable future. As predictions range for the virus only lasting the next couple weeks into the next one of two years, the result is a new decade that will be marked by ten years of recovery, not progression...
A photo of the QEW, the main artery into downtown Toronto, remains motionless at 11:00 at night.
A sole firetruck stands at the intersection of Bloor Street and University Avenue, an area that would usually be bustling with life on a Thursday night.
The waterfront remains lifeless as boats and ferries that would usually start running in the spring time are absent from the Toronto Harbour.
Highway 401, is shown deserted with only one lone car way in the background. This part of the 401 is the busiest section of highway in North American and yet is deserted at 11:00pm.
Avenue Road remains silent as the Toronto skyline behind it also remains a lot bleaker. I cannot remember the last time I saw the CN Tower without it being lit up.
A baseball field right downtown near the Exhibition Grounds remains lit, yet no one is there to play on a cool Friday night.